Q & A with Cassandra Webb

May 1st, 2014

Cassandra grew up in rural Australia and remembers riding horses, working with helicopters and being homeschooled. Now on the coast with her two children she enjoys writing, the beaches in summer and the nearby snowy mountains in winter. Adorable Alice is Cassandra'sfirst picture book.

Have you always wanted to be a children’s book author?

I've always wanted to writeand make kids smile, I'm delighted that my two passions have merged.

Do you have any advice for aspiring children’s book authors?

Write. Write, and write some more. While you're at it soak up all the wisdom about the art and business of writing that you can and put what you can to good use. Never give up on your dreams.

What inspired you to write Adorable Alice?

I was inspired by smells, and all the things we miss out on smelling when we are busy using our other senses.

Each day Alice experiences what life is like without one of her senses. Which sense could you do without? And what is your favourite sense?

Unfortunately I think the only sense I could live without would be taste. Food wouldn't be as good, but I couldn't live without hearing my daughters voice, or seeing my son smile, or having a great big family hug, or smelling the flowers.

My favourite sense is that of sound. Music is such a fantastic element of our lives and listening to music has to be one of my favourite times of the day.

What do you hope children take away from Adorable Alice?

I hope children take away a sense of wonder and adventure. Aliceis in her familiar home but take away her sense of sight and everything is new and interesting again.
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